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Mobilizing Youth for the Delivery of Advisory Services (MYDAS)

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The End: Neal

Well folks, I'm going to post my Friday blog entry today, as I'm taking my vacation days tomorrow and Friday, making today my last MYDAS day of the summer. Needless to say, it has been a great experience working with such a great program, and such a great team. Thanks to all of you who have made this summer what it was.
This week, I:
  • am meeting with Wendy tonight to incorporate the LEAP Co-operative

  • contacted the Co-op secretariat about changing some addresses for David

  • answered some questions for Wendy Pobjoy about incorporating her project

  • made a MYDAS flyer

  • will be cleaning up my office today

There we have it. Hope to talk to you all soon. Best of luck to all of you with school, internships, working, etc.

All the best and God bless.

-Neal Gillis

Monday, August 29, 2005

Final Week: Neal

Summer has once again come and gone before I even knew it started. Classes start in a week and a half, so this shall be my final week of MYDASing. Also, seeing as though I haven't taken my vacation days, I'll finish up on Wednesday.

The next couple of days will include:
- getting ready for the incorporation meeting with Wendy Pobjoy for the LEAP Project.
- helping Kristi with the graphics sections in the AGR.
- making a MYDAS flyer.
- Contacting the Co-op Secretariat for some of David's mail issues.
- Cleaning up.

Oh yeah.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

End of Week 13 Post. Neal

Well, I got back from Germany on Tuesday morning, and got right to work on Wednesday. Although David and Kristi were a pile of emotion to see me back, they managed to find lots to keep me busy with:
  • Kristi and I took care of remittance and next week's payroll

  • Worked on cleaning up the Incorporation Document for the Charlottetown Rec Soccer Co-op

  • Got the MYDAS Payroll spreadsheet up to date

  • I've been in contact with Wendy Pobjoy about setting up a meeting next week to incorporate her LEAP project as a co-op

  • Helped Kristi with some AGR stuff, including a map the will highlight the communities MYDAS has touched

  • Started on the AGR 'Treasurer's Report'

That's all now. Report back on Monday.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Back on the Island

Hey folks,

Just in case you were getting worried, I am back from Germany safe and sound. I got back yesterday morning at 10:00, and I'm starting to work again today...

Talk to you later.


Monday, August 08, 2005

Week 11ish: Neal

So as I'm sure you all know, I am going to be heading to Germany (for World Youth Day) on Wednesday for two weeks. Therefor, I am only going to be working for two days this week, and this will probably be my last post until I get back after the 23rd. If I get to a computer in Germany, I will do my best to make a post or two to let you all know how I'm getting along.

Anyway, today and tomorrow will include:
  • Finishing my esssay for the final report

  • Hopefully seeing to and approving the business card proofs tomorrow

  • Helping Kristi with anything she needs before I head away

Well folks, I hope you all have a good couple of weeks co-oping it up here in Atlantic Canada. If I see any incorporation possibilities in Germany, I will do my best to get them on the tracking sheet.

Take care, and talk to you when I get home.


Friday, August 05, 2005

Week 10 wrap-up: Neal


It was great to talk to/hear from everyone during the conference call today. Glad to hear everyone is getting along well... David: the internet in your office is out again. I'm working now from Timothy's downstairs (great egg salad for all those who are interested).

This week involved:
  • Working on the MYDAS Summer essay, as I have to get it done before I go away

  • I did up and mailed out the payroll

  • Met with Wendy on the LEAP project twice (this took up all of Thursday). In this meeting we had to actually had to encourage her not to incorporate... well that's not completely true. We encouraged her to incorporate one master co-op rather than a dozen different co-ops in attempt to make things less expensive and more efficient

  • Got all of my stuff cleaned up so that Kristi can run the boat by herself

  • The conference call this morning

Hope you all have a great weekend... keep it real.


Monday, August 01, 2005

Week TEN: Neal

Hey everyone,

Week 10 post here. Time flies when you're having fun!

This week's tasks will include:
  • Meeting with Wendy Pobjoy on Thursday afternoon/evening about her LEAP projects

  • Get the payroll done up and out

  • Get the finishing touches on everyones business cards and see about getting them to the printers.

  • See about meeting with MPs regarding the MYDAS program

  • Get to work on the "My MYDAS Summer" essay.

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Talk to you all soon.
